Ashiru Dallatu is a journalist and print media production specialist who also trained as consultant in Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material development through communication graphic design and print. He handled various consultancy services mostly for International donors and participated in many communication workshops towards branding of new health campaign projects
Heholds aMasters DegreeinPublicRelations,aPost GraduateDiploma(PGD)in Mass Communication both from Bayero University, Kano and HND in Industrial Art and Design. He has relative knowledge of computer graphic art application, photography, and also versatile with most aspects of social media etc. Added to these, he has full knowledge of desk top publishing as well as other areas of print production techniques including costing and estimation of large printed materials.
He obtained an administrative and management process certificate from ASCON, Badagry in 2002 and also attended various professional courses locally and abroad including a graphic reproduction course/attachment in Seoul (South Korea) in 1995. He worked previously with Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) and later joined the Media of the World Bank established Agric Development Project (ADP) in Kano State and he headed the units of Public Relations, Publications & Documentation before he retired as Director of the Media outfit.
Ashiru has a special desire in development consultancy especially in the health dimension where he suddenly found himself doing appreciable effort in production ofIECmaterials tosupportadvocacyinthefightagainstHIV/AIDSpandemic.A journey he started in 1994 with consultancy in creative design and production of training curriculums on health education and literacy for an NGO - The International Foundation for Education and self-help (IFESH). Again, his involvement with such non-governmental organizations like the Development Research and Project Centre (dRPC) in Kano gave him a lot of insights into the field of Gender, Maternal health and HIV/AIDS through production of IEC materials.
Another inspiration came through his involvement in the branding campaign of Heart-to-Heart Fhi USAID GHAIN Project and subsequent production of the IEC materials used for the campaign in 2005 where he won the campaign Logo design competition. He was also part of the IEC/Media combine team hired for redesigning and adaptation of the awareness campaign materials used by NBTS centres in Nigeria - a collaboration between USAID and Safe Blood for Africa Foundation (SBFAF) in 2008. Ashiru also participated in the branding of Safe Blood for Africa Foundation [SBFAA/Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) to encourage many youths donor groups in 2010.
He joined the Kidney Care & Transplant Foundation Trust in 2008