Prof Aisha Kuliya-Gwarzo is from Kano State and a highly dedicated and driven medical specialist with extensive experience and leadership training in health management and research. A professor of haematology at the Bayero University Kano (BUK) and a consultant haematologist at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital. She is a determined personality and a great team player.
She holds a Bachelor of Medicine/ Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree of the University of Maiduguri (1990), a Master of Science in Transfusion and Transplant of the University of Bristol, United Kingdom in 2009. She is a fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College Nigeria, Faculty of Pathology (Haematology) since, in 2002.
Prof Kuliya-Gwarzo has published several research papers in peer review journals especially on sickle cell anaemia and blood transfusion. Her academic research has contributed immensely in demonstrating a range of clinical course of patients with sickle cell disease and the appropriate use of blood in mitigating many of its complications.
She has been in collaboration with a number of experts especially as relates to blood transfusion. She is currently involved with implementing step by step haemovigilance system with German collaborators; supported by the German hospital partnership grant. She is a member of other research groups like SPARCO, sicklegen and ASFA research group supported by international grants.
She has made various contributions in her field and held a number of administrative positions in Bayero University including the current Dean of the Faculty of Clinical Science, and 2 times Head of Department, Haematology, BUK, AKTH to mention but a few. She has served in various hospital and university committees some of which, as chair. She is a board member of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria and the President of the Nigerian Society of Haematology and associate editor of the Nigerian Journal of Haematology and the International Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostatasis.
She is involved with many community outreach programs in collaboration with some professional bodies and charitable organizations mainly offering health awareness campaigns in different media outfits and financial support.
Prof Aisha is a recipient of many merit awards and honours from the state, student bodies and professional bodies.